Enhanced Solar Photovoltaic Performance Through Improved Research Infrastructure for Adapted Climate Conditions

Start date

December 2023


24 months


9 partners from 4 European countries and 2 Latin American countries


Up to 1.49M€


CACTUS aims to develop a bi-regional and sustainable ecosystem of complementary RIs

Strengthening the knowledge and collaboration between Europe and Latin American regions, by enabling the research of solar and photovoltaic technologies adapted to different climate conditions. CACTUS will contribute to the green energy transition by tackling global challenges linked to energy and climate change with the provision of R&D tools for reliable, bankable, sustainable and socially accepted solar technologies.


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Project ENERGYTRAN’s general objectives are to address the energy transition, as a common challenge, through the exchange, generation and transfer of knowledge among EU and LAC research infrastructures from a multidisciplinary approach (technological, environmental, social) and to support the development of public policies and regulatory frameworks promoting a clean, sustainable and just transition of the energy sector to advance to a resilient society.

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